

High pressure air and nitrogen supercharger

 Oil and diesel driven models: b7-41 and B18 TT



B18 TT:

Single-stage outlet pressure up to 100 barg (1450 psig), two-stage outlet pressure up to 207 barg (3000 psig)

Inlet pressure ranges from 24 to 35 barg (350 to 500 psig)



B7 -- 41 is a powerful compact product!

Maximum discharge: 1000 psig or 2000 psig

Suction capacity at 350 psig: 2400 CFM or 1288 CFM



Comply with Tier 2 or Tier 4 Final standards



Diesel-driven supercharger for high pressure applications 

B18 TT has a wide range of USES, increasing your air and nitrogen pressure to 207 barg. Whether you need technically oil-free air, dry air, or nitrogen, it can be pressurized. If you are looking for a complete air or nitrogen unit, we recommend that you use our 35 barg compressor (for example, Y35 which provides a flow rate of 35 m /min), a matching dryer, a carbon filter or a diaphragm nitrogen machine to fully equip the equipment. The B18 TT is available in T2 and T4F models. It can be used for land and sea applications. The T4F units comply with the latest emission regulations and are typically housed in a 20-foot DNV 2.7-1 container suitable for offshore operations.



High pressure applications and industry 

Whether or not additional machines are added to the entire unit, the supercharger is well suited to a wide variety of high pressure applications and industries. Applications include mineral exploration and blast hole drilling, well and geothermal drilling, oil and gas exploration, nitrogen production, pipeline services and well services.


Overall solution commitment

In terms of leasing, fioen (Shanghai) equipment leasing co., LTD not only rents out machines, but also provides very considerate services. To provide you with a comprehensive service solution, trained technicians will be on site to debug and start the solution, and our operators will be on call 24/7.


Why choose to lease our products

Bluelake (Shenzhen) Equipment Leasing Co., Ltd.

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