
  power generator rental

QAC 1100 TwinPower

 Double the flexibility, twice the power!






A 20-foot containerized generator

with 2 x 500kVA generators inside



The perfect solution for all temporary applications

with variable power needs!



ISO container

Focussed on portable and intensive use



100% Spillage free frame 

Reduces any potential environmental impact



TwinPower concept

Fully loaded, the QAC 1100 offers two engines in a single container, solving load issues and reducing fuel consumption. The TwinPowerTM concept also reduces fuel consumption with variable loads.


Standard parallel package

To tackle any big jobs, the QAC 1100 TwinPower can run alone or in parallel with other generators.


Excellent performance in extreme temperatures and at high altitudes

Designed to guarantee excellent cooling of the engine/alternator, guaranteeing maximum power with no de-rating up to 43°C at an altitude of 1000 m.



Additional standard features: 

• Battery charger 

• Electric coolant heater 

• External fuel tank connections

• Visual and sound alarm

• Internal lighting





Why choose to lease our products

Bluelake (Shenzhen) Equipment Leasing Co., Ltd.

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